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At Clear View Vision Center our focus is on you.  Getting an eye exam is an important part of staying healthy. Annual eye health exams are essential to ensure your vision lasts a lifetime

Preparing for your exam.


When you call to make an appointment for your exam, be sure to let us know any vision problem you're having.  It is also very important to give the office representative your medical insurance information and vision insurance information.


Before you come in for your appointment, list any questions you want to ask Dr. Vogelpohl. Also be ready to update him on any medicines you take and your (and your family's) eye health history.


Bring your glasses and contact lenses along with the prescription with you. Also bring sunglasses for the trip home.


Our office staff will be following the CDC Guidelines for COVID 19 before and after your visit to ensure our mutual health and well being.  During the exam and while choosing contact lenses or eyewear please wear a face mask.  If you do not have one we will have one available for your use.  


We look forward to seeing you soon!

During your exam.


First, the eye doctor or an office staff member will ask you about your medical and vision history.


The exam may last from half an hour to several hours, depending on the equipment used. It will cover your vision and your eye health.


You'll probably have all or most of the following eye tests, and possibly some other ones, too:


Eye muscle movement test: This checks your eyes’ alignment. The doctor will watch your eyes move while you follow a target (like a finger tip or his pen) as it moves in different directions.


Cover test: This tells how well your eyes work together. You’ll stare at a small target some distance away. The doctor will cover and uncover each eye to observe how much your eyes move. Your doctor will also be watching for an eye that turns away from the target. This is a condition called strabismus. You may take the test again with a target close to you.


External exam and pupil reactions: The doctor will watch how your pupils adjust to light and objects close to you. At the same time, the whites of your eyes and the position of your eyelids will also be checked.


Visual acuity test: You'll sit in front of an eye chart, with letters that get smaller as you read down each line. You’ll cover each eye in turn and, using the other eye, read aloud, going down the chart, until you can't read the letters anymore.


Refraction testing: For your exact lens prescription, the doctor can use a computerized refractor. Your doctor may fine-tune the prescription by flipping the phoropter back and forth between lenses and asking you which is better. If you don't need corrective lenses, you won't have this test. 


Slit lamp (biomicroscope): This device magnifies and lights up the front of your eye. The doctor uses it to check your cornea, iris, lens, and the back of your eye, looking for signs of certain eye conditions.


Retinal examination ( ophthalmoscopy ): Your doctor may dilate your pupils and use a tool called an ophthalmoscope and to see the back of your eyes -- the retina, retinal blood vessels, fluid in your eyes (he may call this vitreous fluid), and the head of your optic nerve.


Glaucoma testing: This procedure checks to see if the fluid pressure inside your eyes is within a normal range. It's fast, painless, and can be done in a couple of ways.


Pachymetry: This test uses ultrasound to measure the thickness of your cornea. Thin corneas can lead to false low-pressure readings. Thick corneas can lead to false high-pressure readings. You may get this test just once to create a baseline for comparison with future readings. It can be used for people who need corneal surgery.


Pupil dilation (enlargement) (optional): With your pupils fully enlarged, the doctor will use tools and lights to check the insides of your eyes. The eye drops for this part of the exam take about 20-30 minutes to work. They make your eyes more sensitive to light and blur your vision. These effects may last for several hours or longer. This is why you might need those sunglasses on your way home. Newer machine can look in the far back of your retina without your pupils being dilated.


Visual field test (perimetry): Your visual field is the area you can see in front of you without moving your eyes. Using one of three tests, the eye doctor maps what you see at the edges (periphery) of your visual field and will use this map to diagnose eye conditions.


Scanning Laser: This test is noninvasive scan which measures the thickness and health of the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer with good reproducibility.

What To Expect During Your Eye Exam

 Practice Hours

Monday: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Tuesday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday: 8:30 - 5:30pm
Thursday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Friday: 7:00am - 3:00pm 

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Visit Us


1001 Avenue H Suite 2

Fort Madison, IA 52627


Contact Us


Tel:  319-316-6016

Fax: 319-669-8335

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